Open Letter to Pope Francis -- Call to Liquidate January 8, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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Open Letter to Pope Francis -- Call to Liquidate January 8, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

8 January 2021

Most Beloved Francis,
There are three (3) realms of law impacted by the current crisis: ecclesiastical law, municipal law, and international law. The offending corporations have committed crimes in all three realms and are subject to liquidation in all three instances.
Under ecclesiastical law, corporations are allowed to exist "for any lawful purpose". You are not a lawyer, so it may bear discussion that although what these corporations have done is considered "legal", their actions are not considered "lawful".
They have skated around the requirements of codes, regulations and statutes, but their actions, both in intent and execution, have fallen far short of being lawful.
These corporations have willfully conspired to topple governments, to slander and rob innocent people, to deceive and to physically and materially harm the living population of this planet.
These are not lawful actions and are not in accord with any godly purpose, so by the very basis of ecclesiastical law which allows for the existence of corporations, these corporations are acting as outlaws and they must be dissolved.
Second, under Municipal Law, these corporations have been found engaged in massive fraud against their customers and service clients. As you are well-aware, once fraud is discovered and demonstrated under Municipal Law, it vitiates everything, even the most sacred agreements, that fraud has tainted. All laws and contracts, all treaties and trusts and offices, created under conditions of fraud are null and void.
In The United States, the Great Fraud began in 1860 with the election of Abraham Lincoln, who was eligible to act as ""President" of the Territorial United States of America, but ineligible owing to the Titles of Nobility Amendment to function as President of our Federal Republic.
Every piece of legislation passed by every Congress since then has contained an excusatory declaration as part of the Enabling Clause, clearly saying that the new legislation does not in any way affect "any right thus previously established".

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