The Planned Pandemic - Part 1 "They Bet Your Life"

3 years ago

[Editor's Note: this video was uploaded to YouTube in February of 2020 and was banned after 10,000+ views]


"It's easier to fool someone, than to convince them that they've been fooled." -Mark Twain

You're not going to believe this at first, however, your world leaders have a financial incentive for you to die, and for the corona virus outbreak to last as long as possible. This video shows Doctor Tony Fauci's uncanny prediction of the pandemic, video proof of the little-known bond scheme of the World Bank, and one of Micorsoft's weird ideas to control currency distribution.

Back in 2017, the "surprise outbreak" we are experiencing in 2020 was predicted with great accuracy, and in the same year the World Bank created a plan to pay your government leaders (all around the world) money in the event of a pandemic, so long as the pandemic lasts a long time, and lots of people die. This is not a joke.

The highest compliment you can give me is to SHARE THIS VIDEO

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My YOUTUBE channel is under THREAT OF ATTACK from those who want to suppress the truth. I'm not making this up. My videos have been flagged by random viewers, even though they contain no pornography, very mild profanity, and no scams. Now, I'm working on starting my own media company. In the meantime, PLEASE ADD ME ON BITCHUTE:


// The Planned Pandemic Series //

Part 1 - They Bet Your Life

Part 2 - A Detailed Timeline

Part 3 - Centers for Deceit & Control

Part 4 - The Social Gestapo

Part 5 - W.H.O is Lying to You (Banned Video)

Part 6 - The Mark of the Beast



WHY DOES THE MAINSTREAM NEWS keep touting Bill Gates as a benevolent philanthropist, when he simply avoids taxes by donating to his own organizations for his own vaccine agendas? Why doesn't he help 3rd world countries with clean water, sanitation systems, and farming -- but instead, only more toxic vaccines? Are the media bought by his money and other pharmaceutical companies that he's partnered with?

WHY DIDN'T TRUMP INVESTIGATE DR. FAUCI when we know that Fauci is on the advisory board for the Gates Foundation? And Fauci knew this pandemic was coming back in 2017?

WHY DOES MICROSOFT HAVE A PATENT # 060606 that allows for microchipping and tracking of human beings, utilizing cryptocurrency?

WHY IS THE GOVERNMENT GIVING $13,000 to hospitals each time they "discover" a new case of corona virus? Aren't hospitals already greedy enough? Now they have more incentive to "find" the virus in you?

WHY IS YOUR GOVERNMENT FORCING YOU to lockdown when they know that the corona virus numbers are getting hyped up by the media's false narrative?

*PLEASE SHARE THIS ON SOCIAL MEDIA* using some of the hashtags at the end of the video. We hope that Bill Gates gets arrested and put on trial for crimes against humanity, and that small businesses of America file a class against the Gates Foundation to recover lost income during the planned pandemic that Gates has caused.

WE NOW KNOW THAT FACEBOOK will attempt to fact check any posts that go against the vaccine agenda, or try to expose what's really going on. Zuckerberg is connected to Gates, also. Twitter just banned my account, yesterday.

THIS PANDEMIC WAS BROUGHT TO YOU by the letter "F" as in false flag, forged numbers, Fauci fraud, and you'll be f_cked if you believe the fake news. Thanks for watching.


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