0021 Luciferians Taking Victory Laps

3 years ago

I was tagged in a post on a friends page and I saw the pictures of Trump and read the comments, the most common, "it is not over" and "he will be back" and I didn't have the heart to burst their bubble. They are really STILL clueless about the power that robbed Trump of this election, by every matrix he won in a HUGE landslide. But the CIA together with the ChiComs OVER RULED US, destroying the mythology that in the U.S. "Government is of, for and by the people" - that has been a lie for a very long time. The Luciferian Intel-Globalist Totalitarian State just reasserted its power and is making a mockery of a hundred million of OUR population and crucifying the most successful President of all times and slandering us, calling us "Insurrectionists."
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