Simpson's predictions in 2021

4 years ago

15 Simpsons Predictions That Could Come True In 2021

The Simpsons have already predicted so many things that came true in 2020. The creators of the Simpsons must be time travelers because most of their predictions end up coming true.

The Simpsons somehow have the weird ability of correctly predicting the future. Somehow the Simpsons predicted Donald Trump becoming president, the chiefs winning the Superbowl, corona virus, and face time becoming an actual thing. In this video we will go over some of the Simpsons predictions that haven't come true yet, but it looks like they might in the near future. Some of the Simpsons episodes have shown Ivanka Trump becoming the president in 2028. Imagine if that came true! The Simpsons would predict the first female president. But some predictions that might come true in 2020 are robots, VR eating machines, and many more!

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