Maricopa County GOP Chair Linda Brickman Discusses Irregularities She Observed

4 years ago

Talking about six irregularities she observed.
1. Certification standards lowered to process things faster; just pass each signature verification through.
2. Supervisors approved signatures that did not match and the votes were counted.
3. Ballots signed by the same handwriting on different voters’ names. She asked if the county attorney would be alerted for possible fraud, she was told that the supervisors would take care of it.
4. Duplication room: a Trump ballot defaulted to a Biden democrat ballot.
5. Observers were kept far away from ballot tabulation so it’d be difficult to challenge them.
6. Duplication & adjudication rooms: Ballots that had Trump marked off then also had mail in marked with Trump’s name written were not counted. They should have been counted.

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