By Your Side - A Song For The End Of The World

4 years ago

Be encouraged brothers and sisters as you see the day approach. We can't know the day or the hour of the Lord's return but we are expected to know the season. God doesn't leave us in the dark. He has given us signs to look out for so we will know when His return is approaching.

This song was written decades ago when the signs in the scriptures were but a foreshadowing of what was to come. Now it seems like the puzzle pieces are coming together and the Lord is preparing to reclaim His kingdom. I urge you to prepare yourself to meet the Lord. If you don't know the Lord or you don't understand what salvation means, take a few minutes and learn how you can be saved.

THE CLEAR GOSPEL IN 4 MINUTES (Dr. Ralph Yankee Arnold)

For more information about the signs of the times I encourage you to visit J.D. Farag on YouTube. He deliveres a Bible Prophecy Update every week so you can understand how current events relate to bible prophecy.

You can find my other music for the End Times by searching "Ahtune" on any of the music distribution services like iTunes, Spotify and Amazon.

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