A large batch of mysterious ballots arrived at Detroit TCF Center around 3:30am

4 years ago

Shane Trejo, a Republication poll challenger, testified at a Michigan Senate Oversight Committee Hearing on Dec. 1, 2020 that about 50,000 ballots arrived at TCF Center in Detroit around 3-3:30am on Nov. 4, though all mail-in ballots were supposed to have been turned in by 8pm on Nov. 3.

He said: "There was no chain of custody, there was no accountability, there was no transparency, nobody knew where these ballots had been.""Seven and a half hours is a long time for these ballots to be kind of in limbo, not with anyone knowing where they are, and there have been no answers up to this point."

He also said that one could not videotape at TCF Center as it was strictly prohibited and potentially a criminal act. But hundreds of whistle blowers, though being intimidated, came forward to prove that severe impropriety took place in Detroit on election night.

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