All Roads Lead to Rome January 7, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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All Roads Lead to Rome January 7, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

China--- remember the Boxer Rebellion and the blood of the People's Revolution? Remember how you were cut off and isolated and left to starve?

It appeared to be England and "the" United States at fault, but behind these puppets was Rome, using them as storefronts, scapegoats, and Fall Guys.

Europe--- remember all the bloody conflicts of the past four hundred years? Everything that has happened since the English Civil War and the Great Fire of London? Same story. The Hundred Years War, the Thirty Years War, the Seven Years War, the English Civil War, the American Revolution, the French Revolution, the entire Napoleonic Era, the Crimean War, the First World War, the Second World War, and all the endless nasty "mercenary conflicts"?

And all you in the Middle East -- remember the Crusades, all the "killing for Jesus" -- the way your trade routes were decimated, and the way that the British provided themselves with a base and promoted more war by creating Palestine out of thin air, and then supporting the creation of the modern state of Israel?

Africa--- remember how your every effort to modernize and to lift your people up and to enjoy your own natural resources has been viciously stomped on and stifled?

Russia -- what Communist Revolution?

Again, and always, England is the common thread, but why?

Rome. Rome is really the common thread running through it all, sometimes seen, sometimes unseen. The Popes manipulated the Kings and Queens of Great Britain, because they owed their thrones and their claim to be Monarch to the Popes. There was a dirty little secret at the bottom of the barrel and the British Monarchs were in effect, being blackmailed from the days of the Magna Carta to today.

William of Normandy destroyed the British Monarchy on a permanent basis by dividing up the land mass of Britain and giving it all away to his faithful Barons, making each one of them kings in their own right. He guaranteed this scheme by castrating his eldest son and disinheriting the others, preventing them from owning any land in England.

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