4 years ago

"that Violynist" Carrie Lyn Infusion with World Toured Brass, an American Recording Artist Group would like to entertain you, the Rumblers, the troops, the Patriots, and anyone who might like some "Happy" in their New Year 2021. We are not here for fame or fortune, and we never took up music for that reason in the first place! Enjoy our LIVE VIBE REHEARSAL CUT of "They Will Know We Are Christians By Our Love". It was a title the Lord put on my heart, and the band was willing to "INFUSE" it. The song was written by a man of God who is listening from heaven, and like I said, the Lord put it on my heart to play and post. Must be a reason! Turn it up, raise your hands, or close your eyes, or dance around the room like I like to do. That is what we play music for! Blessings, "that Violynist" of Carrie Lyn Infusion

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