Rule 18.1 – When Rule 18 (Mark-Room) Applies: Racing Rules of Sailing 2021-2024

4 years ago

This series of rules articles cover Part 2, Section C – At Marks and Obstructions. Section C covers Rules 18, 19, and 20. Rule 18 – Mark-Room is complex, so we’ll cover it in three separate articles, starting with Rule 18.1.

“Rule 18 applies between boats when they are required to leave a mark on the same side and at least one of them is in the zone. However, it does not apply

(a) between boats on opposite tacks on a beat to windward,
(b) between boats on opposite tacks when the proper course at the mark for one but not both of them is to tack,
(c) between a boat approaching a mark and one leaving it, or
(d) if the mark is a continuing obstruction, in which case rule 19 applies.

Rule 18 no longer applies between boats when mark-room has been given.”

We review the current rule complete with diagrams and discussion.

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