Top 10 most fastest trains in the world 2021

4 years ago

Top 10 Fastest Trains in the World.

Trains can't fly over oceans like airplanes. But it doesn't mean trains can't Travel as fast as planes. Fortunately, some trains in this modern world are as fast as planes.

In this video, Let's discuss the latest top 10 fastest trains in the world.
10. Alstom Euroduplex.
9. E5 Series Shinkansen Hayabusa.
8. Talgo 350.
7. Siemens Velaro E/AVS 103.
6. Blue/Red Dolphin
5. AGV Italo.
4. Harmony CRH 380A.
2. Maglev prototype China.
1. SC Maglev (superconducting maglev).

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