Is Waiting on a Va((ine a Form of Modern-Day Idolatry?

4 years ago

Are Christians who are waiting on a va((ine to return to church, to return to fellowship with their family and friends a form of modern-day idolatry?

Punishing people for not bowing to idols was a form of law in the governing bodies, the people would be imprisoned or even killed if they did not bow to the idols...this is what is happening with vaccines, obey or be forced to obey.

I realize the media is fear-mongering with this virus but don't give in to fear, trust the Lord. Trust that the Lord has given us everything we need!

Full blog with references and resources:

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Check out more of my videos here:

Why COVID Vax May Increase the Death Rate While Decreasing the Case Rate.

“Will COVID-19 Vaccines Save Lives? Current Trials Aren’t Designed to Tell Us.” BMJ Review

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*This information is for educational purposes only. It is not meant to treat, diagnose, or cure any medical condition. We must legally advise you to seek the assistance of a trusted health professional before making any changes to your health regime.

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