Healing Requires a Hearing on Electoral Larceny - Secure Freedom Radio

4 years ago


This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

Yesterday, hundreds of thousands of Americans demonstrated in support of President Trump and his effort to ensure that the outcome of the 2020 presidential election was determined by every legal vote and not those illegally cast.

Tragically, the best opportunity to ensure that was the case – namely, presentation and debate in Congress on the evidence of voting fraud and misconduct – was lost when as-yet-unidentified individuals unlawfully entered the U.S. Capitol. Ending that reprehensible incursion was relatively easy.

It’s a mistake, however, to expect that the far more important task of healing the Nation can occur simply by silencing millions who feel disenfranchised – let alone by prematurely removing Donald Trump from office.

Healing requires a hearing – an actual, authoritative presentation of evidence of electoral grand larceny. President Trump must ensure that happens now, as an essential part of his promised “orderly transition.”

This is Frank Gaffney.

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