Choose This Day

4 years ago

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Choose this day.
Which hand?

You have the power to choose. So which hand?

The greatest gift given to us is choice. We have the power to choose.

The bible lines out many blessing and many curses in Exodus.

Exodus-30:19 “I call on heaven and earth to witness against you today that I have presented you with life and death, the blessing and the curse. Therefore, choose life, so that you will live, you and your descendants,”.

This is the statement at the end of the blessings and curses list. That is what we do every day. When a choice comes up, we have to ask ourselves, which one leads to life. Sometimes both choices look pretty good. You have to discern which is the best choice. Often times it is the harder one to do.

Passover is right around the corner.

This is one of the great festivals of God. This is the story of the Exodus. The 10th plague, God tells everyone to place blood from a lamb on the sides and top of the door frame. The people had a choice to make. For those that chose to obey YHVH, they had a pretty good outcome.

Go read the story for yourself.

I’ll link it below.

It’s time to choose what you want your life to be like. It’s up to you and you alone.

Today make a conscious effort to think through your choices. This will help you grow the inner strength to evaluate what is happening right now and for see (however limited) the future outcome. Too many times we just do stuff and don’t have a planned outcome.

So life ends up happening to us instead of us happening to life.

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