Protestors Storm Capital Hill as Congress Joint Session is FORCED into RECESS

4 years ago

Trump supporting Protestors Descend Upon Capital Hill as Congress Joint Session is FORCED into RECESS

I did not think that protestors would make their way INTO the Capital building today, as this happens we continue to watch , the joint session of congress has been forced into recess as Trump supporters storm the building! I will continue to post more videos with information as the day moves forward!
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Protestors Descend Upon Capital Hill as Congress Joint Session is FORCED into RECESS

Source (propaganda) Wall street journal:
Pro-Trump Protesters Force Way Into Capitol; Proceedings Halted
President Trump urged demonstrators to pressure Congress to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s win

WASHINGTON—Protesters breached the Capitol on Wednesday afternoon as both the House and Senate were meeting inside after President Trump urged demonstrators to march there, urging them to pressure Congress to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s win.
Hundreds of protesters could be seen pushing back police, waving Trump and American flags and cheering from the balconies of the Capitol building. Thousands of protesters surrounded the Capitol on all sides, and some climbed up the outside walls.
The police presence appeared to be minimal, though there were some police in riot gear on the east side of the Capitol by the Senate entrance.
Protesters chanted “Take the building!” and “Stop the steal!”—a popular refrain as Mr. Trump’s supporters challenged the results of the November presidential election.

The protest took place as Congress was set to ratify President-elect Biden’s Electoral College win.
District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser ordered a citywide curfew from 6 p.m. Wednesday to 6 a.m. Thursday. U.S. Capitol Police asked occupants to evacuate two congressional office buildings, according to police alerts sent to staff, as pro-Trump protesters clashed with law enforcement.

Protestors Descend Upon Capital Hill as Congress Joint Session is FORCED into RECESS

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