About Names -- The Real Estate, Franchise, and Title System January 5, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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About Names -- The Real Estate, Franchise, and Title System January 5, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

In ancient times, all proper names were descriptions: Hector of Troy, Jeremiah the Prophet, Illius of Alexandria, Merlin the Magician.
In Celtic lands, names could take on many descriptive forms, and could denote the name of the Clan which itself includes many family names --just take a look at the families attached to the Clan MacDonald-- each one of all those people could claim to be a "MacDonald", but only one, the Clan Chieftain, could claim to be "the" MacDonald.
A certain superstition was common about "giving away your name" similar to the resistance of American Indians to being photographed. Many groups felt that a name was too precious and intimate to be shared with the public, so they adopted "Totem Names" --- Queen Guinnivere means "Queen Snow Owl" and King Arthur means "King Bear".
Still, all in all, these names are all descriptions, and not names used in the modern way.
The Roman Empire had a vast and well-orchestrated system of nomenclature designed to not only identify individuals but also locate their origins and social status, but it gradually fell into disuse, until in most places in Europe it was a distant memory.
In the Scandinavian countries other conventions based on descriptive family relationships arose, as in, Olaf, Sven's Son, becoming Olaf Svenson.
Wherever the Roman Catholic Church established beach heads, the names of church members were recorded as part of the church's responsibilities for keeping track of baptisms, marriages, death rites and so on. Their location did not have to be part of the name in most cases, because the Church Parish described the location of most of the names being recorded. Exceptions were bridegrooms, brides, and other visitors or immigrants from other Parishes who occasionally were born or died outside their home parish.
Additionally, the ancient custom of adopting Christian names was practiced, by which someone given the name "Marjorie Brown" was transformed into "Sister Plotsidia", or a man named "Raymond Stuckbuilder" felt a particular closeness to Saint Peter and changed his name to "Peter Stuckbuilder" with the blessings and recordkeeping of the Church. These sorts of Christian name changes are still an accepted part of Church tradition.
Beginning with the Norman Conquest governments again began serious cataloguing and recording the identities and location of "subjects" whether nobles, free men, or serfs--- for administrative purposes -- the names were still descriptive in nature, but additional effort was made to nail down the individual identity of each bit of "property" belonging to the Monarch for purposes of conscription, tax allotments, census records, and so on.

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