Ridiculous Democrat Convention Begins | 8/18/20

4 years ago

Well, the Democratic Convention has started. Both the Left and Right are sowing dangerous seeds for the election season. Republicans come out for Joe Biden. Michelle Obama thinks Biden will listen to science? And the latest celebrity to shill for the post office conspiracy theories: Al Gore! Tara Reade calls out Kamala and the rest of the Democrats on Biden’s history. A brief history of all the times Dr. Fauci has been wrong. Democrats say Joe is going to speak live … Are they sure that’s a good idea? Apparently gravity is racist, because a white man said it exists? If that didn’t make sense, just decolonize your mind! Doctors are still falsely assigning COVID-19 as a cause of death. Why white kids should hate themselves. Teachers don’t want parents to know what their kids are learning? The government really does want to raise your children, it seems.

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