The Sinister Background of The Red Diaper Baby Communist Kamala Harris

3 years ago

Trevor Loudon Breaks Down The Intel on Why The Demonrat Party is hiding why THEY want to sneak her into The Whitehouse under the American peoples noses as President Her Family DNA is among the worst Slave Owners in History a Tyrant No One in Their Right Mind Would Ever Vote For For Anything

Kamala Harris' Maoist roots
The media tells us that Senator Kamala Harris is a "moderate" pragmatic Democrat - though her voting record is to the left of both Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. But it's way worse than that. Kamala Harris is a "red diaper baby", the child of Marxist parents. Her entire life and career has been spent in the orbit of pro-Beijing communists. From Black Panthers and BLMers, to Communist Party supporters to "Maoist" multi-millionaires Kamala Harris owes everything she has to enemies of America.

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