MT2 Growing Leadership Blog #8 - Collectors collect, Teachers Teach, Speakers Speak.

4 years ago

MT2 Growing Leadership Blog #8 – Collectors collect, teachers teach, speakers speak.

Tonight we look back at yesterday's blog and review the three things to do every day to build consistency. We talked about reading, writing, and filing. Through that process, we develop disciplines, and we create a library of ideas and thoughts that we can use in the future.
Taking those thoughts and ideas to the next level allows you to create speeches, workshops, webinars, and classes. Then you can write a book with all your best ideas put together.
Tune in today to hear Marshall's thoughts on the process of collecting to build teaching and speaking events.

Sign up for the Mark Your Ball - 12-week workshop starting this next week here. Growing Leadership (Closed Group) on FB signup.

#MT2Leadership #GrowingLeadership #OwningLeadership #consistency #JMTDNA

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