Healing yourself - Healing the world

4 years ago

With everything we talked about so far, it's time to put everything together and ask ourselves, how can I work on myself?

And it's a tough one because there's not a unique method and if we are all different but all connected, we all have our own way to heal ourselves. And that healing would affect the whole world.

In these time of transformation, where everybody is pointing at everybody to throw the blame of their whole life, if everybody was healing themselves, we would all feel it. And then, instead of trying to convince other people that I'm right and you're wrong, I can simply leave the sinking ship and learn how to fly. And if you see me fly, I will be more than happy to invite you to fly with me!

But so far, we are scared and we are traumatized. We talked a lot about fear on previous podcasts but where all that fear come from? We know that it breaks our DNA and block the photonic energy to flow through our body, but how did it happen? There's at least three ways that I know how we can be traumatized and why it stayed in our body.

Because the end goal of life it's to make peace with those traumas. And there's three rules to understand to heal yourself: You gotta believe you can do it; Healing only come from yourself; and Always share beautiful thoughts, especially concerning your trauma!

Because every lessons in life are about acceptance and forgiveness. And as our spiritual path is the only thing that doesn't have an opposite force, we have to face those fear to overcome them. It's just a matter of time before we're ready!

Let's talk about it! Love you all!

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