Why Seniors Are Targeted and Why Fear is Not an Option January 5, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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Why Seniors Are Targeted and Why Fear is Not an Option January 5, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Putting it bluntly -- seniors rack up incredible medical bills the last three years of their lives on average. This is partially due, of course, to the padding of "medical costs and services" by corporations that should never have been allowed to function as for-profit entities. It is nonetheless the reality of life, that the last three years of our lives tend to be painful, debilitating, debasing, and --- for the med-tech giants, highly profitable.

So they want us to live as long as possible, as miserably as possible, so that they can milk the cash cow for all we are worth---- literally.

It is this, not any respect for life, not any kind of compassion, that drives the spear through the heart of any legislation allowing people to make their own end-of-life decisions when faced with irreversible and terminal illness. It is also what truncates making funds available for hospice care and caretaker respite programs.

It's nothing but corporate greed and profiteering that serves to make our end of life experience so nasty and needlessly painful. As long as you are breathing they can charge you for their goods (pills, liquids, medical equipment and services) and as ending that gravy train is not in their economic best interest, they will keep you alive -- regardless of the quality of your life, to the bitter end.

For many of us, it is simply torture prolonged.

On the other side of the coin lurks the "government" corporations that are paying for the average person's end of life medical care, and they have exactly the opposite set of motivations. They want you to die quickly and quietly the moment you are no longer "productive", so that they can keep a larger percentage of "your" public trust funds for their use and abuse.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/01/why-seniors-are-targeted-and-why-fear.html

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