Going From Victim to Investigative Vigilante. Activist Tracy Shannon

4 years ago

Tracy Shannon is mother of 4 blessings and a grandmother. She has studied what she calls the “neo-morality movement” for 20 years. Tracy’s family was profoundly impacted by the transgender movement many years ago and that moved Tracy from the sidelines (merely protecting her own children from being inducted into "new" sexual mores) and onto the battlefront in the culture wars. Recently, Tracy has taken on Drag Queen Story Hours in Texas and across the country. She exposed how libraries determined to introduce children to adult entertainers and transsexuals disregarded their own policies allowing sex offenders to be held out as role models to young children in taxpayer funded public libraries. Tracy is the Texas Director for MassResistance Texas, and led parents there pushing back against the debauched drag queen program for children as young as four. She has also contributed to research of the programs across the nation and helped parents in several states push back against this programming.

Read the MadMommaBear blog at https://madmommabear.com

Follow Tracy on Facebook: http://facebook.com/tracy.shannon.929
or on Twitter: @ShannonTracy123

Subscribe to emails from www.massresistance.org for resources and updates on what parents are doing around the globe to combat the neo-morality movement

Check out your local library’s calendar to see if they have a drag queen story hour planned -- search facebook for drag queen story hour and the name of your city. If you need help countering those events contact MassResistance

If you or a family member are struggling with gender confusion: www.help4families.org

Speak out against
comprehensive sex ed
drag queen story hours
reparative therapy bans
the desegregation of public restrooms, changing areas and sports
and encourage everyone you know to speak out, too

Find out what bills are coming up in your legislature that will impact parental rights, then start getting everyone you know to call

Talk to your pastor. Pastors make a difference when they speak to community leaders. We need pastors to take a stand now more than ever.

Resources from the Ruth Institute:
What to do about the Drag Queen Story Hour: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=2280179082222564

Our short “Save James” video: www.ruthinstitute.org/dr-j-show/savejames

My interview with Denise Shick, founder of Help4Families Ministry: www.ruthinstitute.org/BlogRetrieve.aspx?PostID=1516579

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