Forgiveness and Acceptance - The key to our heart

3 years ago

So far, we've talked about the importance of sharing love from a stranger to another, or with our friend and family. And because we send love in the energy of the planet, we help ourselves, others, and the planet to evolve to the next step of evolution!

Once our heart is open, we can connect that light together, and be stronger than anything else in the world! All as one! Because we are one. Because we are god!

But something can block our heart to open: Fear. The path to our evolution is to learn some lessons in life and those lessons are always a matter of acceptance or forgiveness. No Matter what happen. If we accept that resistance inside of ourselves. If we forgive ourselves and everybody else. It will be much easier to open our heart.

But also, releasing that resentment inside of us will help us rise our vibrations and consciousness to help us to have more insight about what we can do to have a better life and also, to manifest and create what we want! Forgiveness is a gift from ourselves to ourselves!

We're living a beautiful transformation right now. And If we know that all the answers will be about forgiveness and acceptance, we cannot know the reals answers but we know the directions. It can guide us to the next step of evolution: Unconditional love!

Let's talk about that!

I love you guys!

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