The awakening of the soul - Being the transformation

3 years ago

As we get into that transformation right now, we have to realise that we only are in the first phase. The awakening is amazing right now, but it is mentally. And as I said Last video, it's gonna happen on the mind then body and then spirit to make us able to open our heart.

Last time, we were talking about living: Learning how to make our own choices and stand for those choices. Protest and share information is one thing but we should start to think about creating a new normal for ourself, without the government's opinions. Gather some new knowledge, new skills to be more independent from the government, network and sustain our own communities.

Now we are at one point where everythings around us is changing, even the cosmos itself. They were talking about a huge transformation in old textes, where we cannot buy or work without a mark. It's time to talk about that transformation. Don't worry I am not gonna be religious on you.

But it's time to open our mind, our body, and our spirit to understand better how that light physically and mentally work inside of ourselves; how can we make it work, how, and why.

Spirituality it's not a thing we possess or not. It is something everybody has, like the body and the mind and it is our duty, more than ever, to make it work. This is with that light that we gonna go through the rough time.

And even if we might suffer along the way, and make a lot of sacrifice, I really think that going back to normal is not an option, because it would make us just wait for the next crisis. It is with spirituality that we gonna evolve, because that is what connects us together; from a stranger to another.

Once our heart is open, we can connect that light together, and be stronger than anything else in the world! All as one!

I love you guys!

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