Watch a parrot speak, but loves to imitate a cat

4 years ago

The parrot is a kind of colorful birds, and it is from the family (Psittacidae). This family includes about 333 species that have been found so far on Earth, while its sub-family is known as (Psittacinae). [1] Parrots of all kinds live in The warm tropics, and the most abundant areas of parrots are North America and the various areas surrounding Australia, including South Asia. Parrot birds are famous for their intelligence and their ability to express and imitate human voices and words, and whenever a person is friendly and loving and treats her with kindness, the same feelings exchange him, but if they feel that a person does not love them or would like to harm them, they become somewhat fierce, and may harm them or cause chaos in their whereabouts. [2] Parrots are classified into three main families, which are the Cacatuidae family, the Psittacidae family, and finally the New Zealand parrot (Strigopidae) whose existence is limited to New Zealand only, and people usually distinguish the parrot from other Birds because of their curved beak and colored feathers, which are mostly green in color, and parrots generally feed on nuts, seeds, fruits and small insects, [2] and it is worth noting that their ability to speak and imitate sounds varies in different types, some of which are spoken to a large degree, including What is the average ability to speak except that his voice and speech are clear. As for the latter type, his ability to speak is weak and usually screams and makes noises instead of uttering words. [3]

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