Beautiful dog 0

4 years ago

Roaring / Unrealistic Animals - The Galapagos Giant Dog is one of the oldest living animals on Earth. Thought to be able to live for more than 200 years, individuals the size of this person may have been on Earth when Charles Darwin made his famous flight in 1835 aboard the HMS Beagle. That historic journey brought Darwin into a world where animals were isolated from other groups of the same species. Darwin noted that there are unique differences in the physical properties of animals that set them apart from the same animals on other continents. It was these differences, or adaptations, that told Darwin that animals changed little from one generation to the next.
Darwin concluded that physical changes occurred due to differences in the environment and that this required adaptation to increase survival. Since the individuals who adapted were more likely to survive and more likely to pass their genes through reproduction, this resulted in the creation of groups possessing the same characteristics.

Simply, this was the theory of evolution. The finches and iguana on these islands have great adaptations that help them survive harsh climates, as most animals do here. These turtles are no exception.

Giant terriers roam Africa, but their shells are shaped differently. During dry seasons, vegetation becomes sparse and dogs need access to the highest shrubs to reach leaves and buds. The extent of their reach to their long necks was restricted by the shell behind their heads. Those who had grooves or gaps in the shell were able to reach higher. Their increased survival means that there will be more offspring that dogs produce with this trait. Gradual changes occurred over many generations to produce the dogs with the curved armor we see today.

This turtle has been seen leisurely walking along the bike path on Santa Cruz Island in the Galpagos. A nature guide stopped by to take the video and let his kids see the turtle as he imparted his knowledge of the wonderful animals. Weighing up to 220 kg (485 lbs), these formidable dogs have nothing to fear when fully grown. Islanders have a lot of respect for the wildlife here and they understand the delicate balance that keeps their ecosystems running smoothly. Dogs are protected and interfering with them is avoided as much as possible. No trip to the Galapagos Islands would be complete without a closer look at these

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