The Progressive Plan to take over the U.S. and Then the World

4 years ago

Many have no idea of the Progressive’s endgame, their nefarious plan to take over the United States and then the world.

It’s almost too late, you must choose between freedom or tyranny; there is no middle ground.

Progressive fantasies have seduced millions of uninformed people. The endgame is a world government ruled by Progressive elites “chosen” to save humanity from the disaster of overpopulation and the devastation of catastrophic climate change.

They believe that only a worldwide government can enforce the regulations, rules, and laws needed to minimize the impact of these issues, world peace, world hunger and keep us all safe.

They are using the Covid-19 crisis to convince many more people of the need for massive central-government control.

Conservatives believe progressives will only exacerbate these issues, cause even more problems.

Panic around Covid-19 and Catastrophic Climate Change has been fostered by Progressive globalists and their propaganda machine, the mainstream media, to make the people more accepting of the Marxist, socialist state; the “wet dream” of every Progressive democrat leader. Millions more Americans have become convinced that only a controlling central government can alleviate their suffering, caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

A world government would need complete control over everything from the means of production and distribution, to how we live our personal lives.

This would include:

· What foods you are allowed to eat
· How many children you can have
· How you will serve the state
· Whether you are worthy of medical treatment

The belief in any power higher than the central government will not be allowed. The new god will be the central government.

They will use technological capability to know where you are, what you are doing, and how you are feeling 24/7. They will require that every human being is equipped with a computer chip that monitors bodily functions while pinpointing their exact location. The government will quickly learn who they can easily control and who they must watch closely.

Will people put up with this level of control over their lives? Fear causes many to lean toward more controlling governments. They want leaders who will tell them what to do and when to do it, in order to be kept safe.

When people give into the fear, and demand more and more control, they are trading their freedom and liberty for a false feeling of security.

You will find globalists in every area of life, in every profession; these are individuals who either honestly believe there is a grave danger, or see these issues as an opportunity to gain and retain wealth and power.

These people actually believe they are saving the planet by establishing a world government. They have partnered with the Chinese Communists, who already command a controlling, communist state; and are actively spreading and buying their influence worldwide.

This is why you see the mainstream media, the Washington establishment, business leaders, the sports and entertainment industries, and even many in the medical and scientific professions making excuses for the Chinese communists, ignoring their human rights violations, their massive use of fossil fuels, and their obvious attempts to bring more and more of the world under their domination.

The Marxist, socialist state is just the prelude to a one-world government led by Chinese communist rulers. In the not too distant future, there may be Chinese soldiers on every street corner in America.

If the democrats win the presidency and the control of both houses of Congress, this vision of America’s future will become a reality.

Patriotic Americans must be willing to fight for freedom, must believe that America and freedom and liberty are worth fighting for. The question is, do we still believe in the country our founders created and millions have fought and died for?

It is time to choose. The choice is between Freedom and Tyranny.

Which will you choose?

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