#fossilfuelfridays Guest Vickey Leech

4 years ago

#fossilfuelfridays - Holiday guest Vickey Leech annouces her joining Hydra International USA and all about Oilfield Angels charity work with oil and gas industry advocates Ken Lavin of Winter Mud LLC. and myself Matthew Hill of Knight Energy Services, LLC

#oilfieldangels #christmas #giving #energystrong #oilpatchproud #energyforall #powerpastimpossible #talkoklahomaoil #oilfieldtailgate #Hydra #Water #charity #fundraising #drilling #completions #production #energy #engineering #oilandgas #petroleum #holiday #industry #family

Thanks always to founder Kimberly Smith and TalkTexasOil Media Group

Take care and God bless you all and our industry.

Thank sponsors for www.oilfieldtailgate.com

Please reach out to Vickey, Geree Wald Morton, and The Petroleum Alliance of Oklahoma to join in Oilfield Angels for this season of giving to those in our industry in need.

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