Christianity 101 - From Eden to Eternity

4 years ago

Have you ever wondered about Christianity and its roots? What is its connection to the Jewish Bible, the Tanakh? Why is the gospel of Jesus the good news for all mankind? What is the gospel?

I've wanted to do a video for a while now which summarizes the Bible from a wide view. It's important to know how Christianity has ties to Israel and the Jews. It's important to know that Christianity is the Hope of Ancient Israel.

The connection between the sin of Adam, the world flood, the tower of Babel, and the creation of the nation of Israel are all super-important to the Christian story. This hour-long video will help you to understand how Christianity fits into the picture of history.

My hope is that you will walk away from this video knowing that Christianity is not only the Hope of Israel but the fulfillment of the hope of all mankind...the redemption of Man and the gift of eternal life.

Please watch and let me know what you think... Do you have any questions, comments or concerns?

Just send me an email or leave me a comment below. My email address is:

In Truth, PJ

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