Biden Has Cancelled Inaugural Parade, 3439

4 years ago

Happy New Year to all of you. I’m Still reporting on the coup.
According to several sources, it appears that Joe Biden may be close to conceding the election.
I know that comes as a total news shock to a few of you, but it’s not too shocking to Trump supporters.
Here’s the evidence: At about midnight last night, Jim Hoft of the Gateway Pundit put out a story that the massive bleachers that are ALWAYS put up along Pennsylvania Ave. between the White House and the Capitol for the inaugural parade – are being taken down.
We don't have the photographic evidence of this, yet, and you can be sure that the Washington post is dragging its feet to the maximum extent not to reveal this sad, sad news to the desperados of the swamp. We would welcome photographs of the viewing stands being deconstructed for display on this channel. Send to:
The deconstruction of the viewing stands along the parade route is solid evidence enough for those of us who have grown up in the Washington area, but there is more.
According to John Nicosia , the president of newscyclemedia, and former managing editor at Mediaite, the Joe Biden Inaugural Parade has been canceled.
Putting together the inaugural parade is a big, big deal! It involves hundreds of contract workers, and once that decision has been made, it is literally irreversible!.
This of course will spoil the travel plans of the 752 Democrats from around the nation and the world who were planning on attending, but that’s not counting the numerous foreign entries who had planned to march victoriously in the parade itself. But many of them were planning on sleeping on their large cargo-style aircraft anyway.
Now, the excuse being made is that Biden lovers feared that his entire inauguration would be turned into a giant trump rally.
Well, that is probably true, whether Biden won or lost the election.
We also understand, that the coup to the week’s goodbye -Biden festivities will come on Wednesday, Jan. 6th in the form of a lengthy, military-style briefing which will be allowed by vice president Pence beginning at 1300 hours. The briefing will put on display the massive amount of evidence of election irregularities, to say the least! -The last time this nation saw a military-style briefing was during the Cuban missile crisis in October of 1962. It was so powerful that it forced the Russians to turn transport ships around in mid-ocean, bringing in more Soviet MRBM – medium ballistic missiles – to Cuba, perhaps carrying nuclear warheads.
What goes on after the briefing, no one exactly knows. Pence may call for a brief time-out to give the Desperados a chance to consider face-saving ways of backing out.
However, it is now certainly within the realm of possibilities that we will see a giant collapse of Democratic support for the Biden coup when it comes to related Congressional voting once Pence gavels the Joint Session of Congress back from its brief adjournment on..
President Trump, himself has commented on the events of that day will be a complete revelation to the average CNN viewer. As Trump advisor Jason Miller explained to NewsMax:
“These are the specific types of evidence we want to present to the American people on the national stage and not allow local politicians to sweep it under the rug.”
However here is a brief summation that crystallizers the strength of the evidence gathered from publicly-available sources at this time.
Obama had 69 million votes. Trump, according to what are probably fake news reports, got 74 million votes. However, the fake news displays claimed that Joe Biden got 81 million votes! That would be over 17% more than their beloved Obama!
Obama won 873 counties in the United States, compared to trump who won 2497 counties in the United States in the 2020 election. Compare that to Joe Biden, who won only 477 counties.
Obama won 18 of 19 bellwether counties in the United States. Champ won 18 of 19 bellwether counties. Biden one only one of 19 bellwether counties in the United States .
And finally, Obama won Florida Ohio and Iowa - three of the big indicator states.
Trump also one Florida Ohio and Iowa. Biden lost them all -Florida, Ohio and Iowa and by big numbers – numbers which the fake polls failed to be even close to getting right.
I’m still reporting from the citadel of American freedom. Good day.

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