Encrypt Short Text Messages With The Commodore 64

4 years ago

The Enigmuh Cipher Code Generator is a way to transmit secret messages to friends or to get around social media censorship. Although modeled after the German Enigma machines, it is just a simple coding method. When starting the program, you will be asked for three wheel codes ranging from A-Z and 0-9. Next, you will be asked if you want to encrypt or decrypt a message. After answering the questions, the C64 will draw the machine and you can begin typing when the blue light in the upper right comes on. You may hear a buzzer and see a red light in the upper right corner when encrypting a message if you try to type a character not shown on the Enigmuh machine’s screen. The characters on the screen will briefly illuminate and the wheels in the upper left corner will advance when a key is pressed just like on the real Enigma. The Enigmuh has a 240 character limit and you can take a screenshot of the encrypted text and send it to your friends or post it to social media.

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