The Balance of the Issue December 31, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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The Balance of the Issue December 31, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

Many people have never read any of the Constitutions and even many who have read them have not paid close enough attention to recognize the simple fact that our States are required to use gold and silver coinage, while at the same time, the various bodies of Congress are limited to the use of their good faith and credit.

What this means in practical terms is that we use actual money that has intrinsic value in-and-of-itself --- gold and silver coinage or certificates for the same, while they are limited to the use of military script (FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES) or commercial script.

This, in turn, creates a Teeter-Totter, or Hour Glass Economic System, in which the flow of goods and services, and the conversion of debts and credits into actual assets, and vice-versa, drives the economy through a balancing point that must be maintained.

When one or the other side of the Teeter-Totter gets unbalanced, the whole economy tilts and as we all know, the "heavy end" comes to rest.

When Nixon disconnected the USA DOLLAR (the Territorial Government's "legal tender") from gold and silver, and redefined the "standard commodity" backing the USA DOLLAR to be oil, some dishonorable men claimed that he also disconnected their credit system from our monetary asset base, thereby "killing the Constitution"--- however, their pre-existing contract continues to obligate them to accept gold and silver from us, and Tricky Dick's conversion to the Petro-Dollar needs to be viewed for what it is --- a completely separate action of "the" United States of America, Incorporated, which merely served to expand its own credit base, by using foreign oil and oil refinery contracts as the new asset base.

Think of it this way---- you have gold and silver and rubies and steers on the hoof and a half dozen hotels and ten cars and a railroad that you control as a Trustee. These are actual assets in the factual world --- and any one of these assets can, in theory, serve as the asset backing a promissory note.

So, Nixon, acting as our "Presumed Trustee" shifted assets that "the" USA, Inc., was using to back its commercial paper script -- it's promissory notes -- from gold and silver to oil. He used the proverbial hotels instead of the steers or the rubies for backing the USA Promissory Notes..

The US, Inc. also backs its debts by acting as a Trustee of actual assets that exist in the factual world, only the US, Inc. claims to own us--- our bodies, our energy, our intellectual property, our "PKIs", the value of our labor, and our time on Earth----oh, and our souls.

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