"Independent" Fact Checking? December 31, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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"Independent" Fact Checking? December 31, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

I had a good laugh this morning. Facebook Fact Checkers claiming to be "Independent" and also claiming that one of my articles exposing the improper relationships of various corporations related to the so-called "Wuhan Virus" -- was incorrect.
It's a triple farce, because these "Fact Checkers" bring their own prejudices and limitations to their self-appointed jobs as censors just like the rest of us. That's why censorship is forbidden in a free society. It makes one person's opinion more important than another's.
Second, these Fact Checkers, who are often University Professors, are themselves part of the system. They are in obvious, comical conflict of interest, but don't appear to notice that. So what if Facebook, Inc. isn't paying them for their opinion, when, for example, the University of Southern California, Inc. -- is?
Nobody employed by any incorporated entity is entirely free of this taint.
They are "independent" in the same sense that a pig may claim to be "independent" of the farmer feeding it.
And third, their claim that the information in my article is incorrect is just so much legalistic hair-splitting: if the people who ultimately own and control GlaxoSmithKline also own and control Pfizer, it is nothing but sophistry to claim that these incorporated entities are truly separate in any meaningful sense, even though they have different names, produce different products, and have different Boards of Directors.
It's the owners that count, and as for the management, it's the interlocking trust directorates that count.
If you have directors sitting on the Board of Black Rock, Inc. also sitting on the Board of Vanguard, Inc. and also sitting on the Board of Microsoft, Inc. and then Microsoft Directors also sitting on the Board of GlaxoSmithKline, Inc. and also sitting on the Board of Pfizer, Inc. ---- just how "unrelated" and "independent" do you think all these organizations are?
You think they aren't all networked together and acting in collusion for their common benefit?
Right. And the moon is made of green cheese. Everyone knows that.
The ownership of the patents on the same scraps of HIV that show up spliced into the Covid 19 coronavirus --- all that is entirely coincidental.
It's also unknown why the coronavirus vaccines are producing HIV Positive test results.
Guess you will just have to make up your own minds and connect your own dots, but unless you want to be "owned" as a patented Genetically Modified Organism by Dr. Anthony Fauci and his corporate Benefactors, you'd better make tracks.
Check your own facts.
And remember: those who fall off turnip trucks usually finish last.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2020/12/independent-fact-checking.html

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