4 years ago

Intro to 11:07
Happenings in other Patriots' lives
What is happening to the people in Africa that is not being reported on MSMThe Experiment by the globalists, who needs help and what the globalist establishment is trying to bring to American soil and to other countries.
Facebook Frames **Letters from Mochama in Kenya**https://www.facebook.com/melissa.mcgarity.14/posts/10222573206533396

Gates dealings in Africa with a foundation being set up by Mama Gates who got Billy's foot in the door at IBM as she worked on a board with John Opel

Here is a link I mentioned and the deep dive is Very Telling
Facebook Frames Do you trust Bill Gates to Help you or Harm you?https://www.facebook.com/melissa.mcgarity.14/posts/10220632570258702
Why are the wealthy and successful like the Tech Giants and those with numerous mansions at the helm as politicians, entertainers, actors not selling off some of their many mansions to help people who truly need food and water rather than funneling their money into their own political pacts and agendas? You know why!

11:14 to 17:30
Ooter Odd special censor friendly phrasing for what we are Not Allowed by the Overlords to Speak of!
Voter Fraud Overview, review and places to go to see the trail of Ooter Odd from the beginning.

All that President Trump is accomplished, yet still they push their hate. WHY?
Refer to this for more information and verificationThis shows evidence of just Part of what I was trying to convey on President Trump's accomplishments you have Very Little about on corporate owned media. As you know there IS a reason for that!
Facebook Frames **The Peacemaker and No Wars! Record numbers in employment, stock market and hitting globalist's hard! Featuring Your President Donald J. Trump**https://www.facebook.com/melissa.mcgarity.14/posts/10222626152377009

17:42 to 45:00
The affidavit Sydney Powell obtained and the qualifications as an expert from Dr. Navid Keshavarz-NiaHow to find further information and resources
What, Who, Where, When on the Kraken!ScytlCorporations always changing corporation names.
Remember that song I've gone over that foretold what would continue to take place?
Paul Allen Microsoft co-founder Major Investor of Scytl
What are Hammer and Scorecard?
Info on China and deals done by Hunter Biden in conjunction with joining their firm to a Chinese firm.Chris Heinz, Devon ArcherHow is the occult involved?
How does God Trump Their numbers? Is He a God of Numbers?

An overview in under 6min. well worth the watch, set to Stellar music and give a Lot of Tells and Connections.


46:00 to end
How do the nefarious signal to one another their plans, events and incidents.It's Not the Good people of China, they are like us and have protested against the evil, it is the Nefarious and infiltrators in High Places of government and reach who work with the Deep state in the U.S. and other countries.
All mapped out in World War Z that speaks of the virus coming from China, see how the producers were Forced to change the script then ask yourself. ..how much reach do the elitist rulers in China have in the United States? Why is that?
See a deeper dive here with sources

Why we stand. Why we Must Continue to Stand, Hold the LINE.Who do we need to protect?
Why you need to Hold the Line.What is a House of Cards?
An all out sham? Who is tethered? Are you tethered?
The Game

These are the articles I referred to and went over bits and pieces.

To get a deeper glimpse go here where you will find far more sources and links.




Facebook Frames **Those asking for the Republic's Timeline**https://www.facebook.com/melissa.mcgarity.14/posts/10222662328281384Reported by SolarWinds Security Advisory* SolarWinds was the victim of a cyberattack to our systems that inserted a vulnerability (SUNBURST) within our Orion® Platform software builds for versions 2019.4 HF 5, 2020.2 with no hotfix installed, and 2020.2 HF 1


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