Kyle Rittenhouse: What was he up to that night in Kenosha? (Part 1)

4 years ago

Was Kyle Rittenhouse looking for trouble that night in Kenosha? A Youtuber named orcanut has compiled over two hours of footage showing the events surrounding the Kenosha shootings. In this series of videos, I analyze orcanut's compilation paying special attention to Kyle's movements, behaviors, statements, and demeanor.

Parts 2-4 will be posted as soon as I edit them, which will take place through the first week of January 2020.

Special thanks to orcanut (whoever you are) for taking such an enormous effort to compile the videos into a single, synchronized product.

The source video can be found here:

The following is a direct quote of the description used by orcanut in his Youtube video. (I hope he doesn't mind my copying and pasting of his text.)

Synchronized and stitched video from numerous sources in Kenosha on the night of August 25th. Since the goal is to show video in real-time to track Rittenhouse and so that the time between events can be determined, I kept analysis in the video to a minimum. For notes and analysis, please see the spreadsheet linked below.

A full list of videos, including those not used, and a more detailed breakdown with some analysis can be found at:

NOTE: Audio will sometimes be used with a different video.

The burned-in local time is referenced to Andrew Mercado getting a shot of his broken phone, which showed the phone changing time. A lot of effort was spent in finding the bits of timing errors (lag & gaps/jumps), so overall, all video should be synchronized to within +- 0.1 seconds. All synchronizations were done visually, except for some of the Richie McGinniss videos (synced w/ audio), the police scanner audio (guessed timing, probably accurate to within 1 minute), and a small 1 second portion of the Drew Hernandez running footage prior to the first shooting. I only checked the rough synchronization of the audio.

Order of emphasis:
1. Rittenhouse (i.e. any video that places Rittenhouse at a time and place; if there are gaps, then I probably don't have that video and you should send me a link to it.)
2. Any conflicts between protesters/rioters & militia/armed citizens/patriots/LARPers (ex: dumpster fires & gas station conflicts)
3. Just whatever protest/commentary occurring at that time.

Sources (Not enough room to put links here):
Adam Rogan / The Journal Times
Adrian Wilson
Alex Lourie
Allyx Schmidkonz
Andrew Mercado / Mercado Media
Brandon Beamon / Urbanaired / Fox News
Brendan Gutenschwager
Chelsea Marie
Chris Juhn / Ford Fischer / News2Share
CJ Halliburton / CJ TV
Drew Hernandez / Lives Matter Show
Dylan Schultz
Elijah Schaffer / Blaze TV
Fox News
Gaige Grosskreutz
Julio Rosas
Kalen D'Almeida / Scriberr News
Kenny Erickson / Image Theory Photography
Kevin Glowicki / Never Stop Media
Koerri Elijah
Kristan T. Harris / The Rundown Live
Lakota Lichtwalt / Lakota Lichtwalt Media
Mike Holmen
Nathan Peet
NBC News Archives
Nick Dennis
Pauleen Le / CBS58 News
Regg Inkagnedo
Richard Kreuser
Richie McGinniss / The Daily Caller
Rise Images
Shelby Talcott / The Daily Caller
Tayfun Coskun / Anadolu Agency
Teddy Torrez
The Junkyard News (Police Scanner)
TMJ4 News
Tony Atkins / TMJ4 News
Troy J. Williams
Whitney Leaming / The Washington Post
Yasin Ozturk / Anadolu Agency / Getty Images

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