Why Covid-19 Is a “Strange Pandemic”

4 years ago

(swprs.org) Why does covid-19 appear to be a somewhat strange pandemic? It is because of the covid-19 mortality profile, which is almost identical to natural mortality.

To better understand this crucial point, we first look at two other well-known pandemics: the 2009 swine flu “fake pandemic” and the notorious 1918 “Spanish flu” pandemic.

The 2009 swine flu was a “fake pandemic” because in reality it was a rather mild flu that caused few deaths globally. It was labeled a “pandemic” in June 2009 only because the WHO had removed the requirement of “enormous numbers of death and illness” one month before. The pandemic warning then triggered a multi-billion dollar sale of rather useless and partially dangerous vaccines.

The 2009 swine flu strain was mild because it was somewhat similar to a flu virus strain that had circulated prior to the 1957 Asian flu pandemic. This meant that most people over 60 years – the main risk group (cont.)

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