See the beauty of the budgie parrot

4 years ago

The durra or the good bird, [4] or the paddock, [5] known to the Arab public as the love bird, the lovebird, or the lover and the lover, and to the general public of the West as the familiar domestic parakeet and the parachute gear, and also the Budgie Small, long-tailed, seed-eating parrots are the only representatives of the Melopsittacus genus, and are found in wild conditions only in the most arid and arid parts of Australia, where they have lived defying drought and hard life for nearly five million years. [6] The wild of these birds is always green and yellow in color, and has black, scalloped markings on its back, back neck, and wings. [5] However, selective mating in captivity has led to the emergence of blue, white, yellow, gray, and other domesticated individuals. Durra is one of the most beloved ornamental birds all over the world, due to its small size, low price, ability to imitate human voice, and its playful nature.

What is most known about this little parrot is that it is a cage bird that loves solitude, but in the wild it loves meeting, widely mobile, often circulating in huge flocks, their sizes vary according to the food supply. In years during which the rainfall is relatively high and food is abundant, the Durra becomes one of the most numerous Australian parrots. [5] Dura parrots are distinguished by their agility and speed of flight, and their flocks rarely stay in one place for a long time. Her husbands nest in colonies, and the husband may produce several hatcheries in the season. [5]

Durra are very trusted birds with lorries and fig parrots, [7] [8] [9] [10] and although they are called in colloquial English, especially American, "parakitat" (singular: parakeet), this name is scientifically applied to several Species of small parrots with long and flat tails. The origin of the name Budgerigar, Arabicized as "puggara" is not known with certainty, but the species was officially registered on the World Bird List for the first time in 1805. These parrots mate when the environmental conditions surrounding them or living conditions are favorable, whether in captivity or in The wild, who is monogamous, meaning that she is satisfied with one partner throughout her life. As most parrots, durras are famous for their ability to imitate sounds.

These parrots were domesticated for the first time in Europe around the year 1840, and by the second half of the nineteenth century they had become common in pet stores, and breeders began to incubate them frequently to meet the growing demand for them, and perhaps it has become today the most widespread species of indigenous parrots in the world. And it is one of the most diverse in shape, size and color, and the most different from its wild relatives.

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