ABC TV QandA November 3rd 2019 - PART 2

3 years ago

Part two of the feminist QandA show that was unfortunately removed from ABC history. This sort of thing should remain as a warning to other people of just how fucked up and crazy the cult is.

Source :
Original source was removed if this copy is removed for any reason other copies can be linked, let me know if it's down.

Fair warning to all and sundry!
I am here to entertain or trigger the shit out of people, won’t be self-censoring or apologetic about my methods or the arguments I put forward. I'm Australian so I can swear with an artistic flare I'm rather proud of. Swearing is a linguistic tool, I use it, get over it.

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That’s my spiel and this is my sign out…

May your gods remain fictional.
The Antitheocrat.

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