Conduit 2 SPAS/USP45 Reign of Terror on Pentagon Prime

4 years ago

For this match I decided to completely ignore the objective and see how high I could push my kill count before time ran out. After I got a Reign of Terror I stood in a radiation grenade and waited to die because I wanted to get two Reigns of Terror in a single match. Sadly, I couldn't get that second one. However, I did push the kill limit pretty high. I'm certain that it is possible to get 70+ kills in this type of setting, but you cannot screw up much and you essentially have to run around killing people as fast as possible. That would interesting to watch if it ever happened.

This was played on 8/28/12.

Recorded with the Hauppauge HD PVR and the Wii's component cables. I'm using the nunchuck and Motion Plus.

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