Evolution - Day of Judgment

4 years ago

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Evolution? Come on now... you are not still believing in that old idea... are you?

Take genetic entropy. Essentially all geneticists agree that mutations cause degeneration and the genome is degrading with every generation. We are not evolving... we are devolving. That's a scientific and Biblical fact.

There continues to be a lack of transitional fossils. The fossil evidence does not support evolution.

And there is the impossibility of life originating from non-life. And the catch -22 ... the impossibility of proteins forming outside of a living organism. But, life requires proteins in order for there to be life.

And Dinosaur fossils Carbon 14 dating to be thousands of years old... and containing soft tissue, red blood cells, and even nerves, and partial DNA... and not just a few dinosaurs. It is now thought that most dinosaur bones contain these materials and they could not last millions of years... a fact that reveals the earth is not millions of years old... and since evolution requires an old earth... demonstrating that evolution never happened...

These, and many other evidences, certainly seem to say evolution did not happen. Not only did it never happen... evolution is impossible. It could not happen.

Their response is... we don't know why these things are true, but we know we will find an answer in the future.

In other words, they so strongly believe evolution is true, that they are not going to accept the factual, observable evidence... they are just going to believe.

WHAT FAITH! What a strong, blind faith they have.

Why? Because the alternative is unacceptable... God created everything, including us... and we are accountable to our creator for everything we've ever done wrong. The day of judgment is coming.

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