Ocean sea animal wild animalsGoogle translate.

4 years ago

The marine animal of the order of mammals

A marine mammal is naturally an animal that lives mainly in water. It s not a fish because mammals do not have gills and breathe with the lungs, as dolphins and whales do. They must therefore constantly go to the surface to take a breath of air.

Like terrestrial animals, marine mammals can be carnivorous or herbivorous depending on their feeding habits. The killer whale is carnivorous because it eats other aquatic animals such as seals, and the herbivore will usually eat seaweed. Some may have an aquatic and terrestrial life such as walrus that will heat up in the sun when it is resting. Some are often unskillful in their movements when they are on land, such as sea lions, which have short legs better adapted for swimming.
It is common that these animals have an ability to stay under water for a long time, apnea, without having to go back up to breathe. This is very often the case with dolphins, killer whales, and other predators who have to prey on their prey.

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