BLM Founders Are Trained Marxists Who Practice The Occult And Admit They Want To Destroy The Nuclear Family

4 years ago

Saying that black lives matter is the easiest thing I will ever do. Of course they matter, because all lives matter. We are all created in the image of God and all life is precious. Saying all lives matter is not exclusive, but inclusive. The Black Lives Matter organization ironically, is not about black lives. Black cops, black conservatives, and black unborn children do not matter to them. Their goal is hidden in plain sight and it is to destroy the nuclear family and usher in marxism. While it is no longer a secret that Black Lives Matter was founded by trained Marxists, it’s way worse than that.

It’s “inspired” by necromancy, otherwise known as witchcraft. One of the BLM foundresses, Patrice Cullors, bragged about talking to the souls of the dead to launch their Marxist movement. They admit that they pray and summon spirits, which the bible expressly forbids. Christians must not yoke themselves to this organization. There is so much important infomation in this video, I highly suggest watching it in it's entirety.

Abraham Hamilton II is a popular radio host, author, attorney, and general counsel for the American Family Association. And as a serious Christian in America who happens to be black (or, as he says, “melanated”), he has unique insights into the underlying motives of certain movements, like Black Lives Matter, that purport to speak for all blacks. Video from Patrick Coffin Show.

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