Awe GOD ~ I Believe You

4 years ago

#1MinuteEncouragement As we close out this year our souls feel very “war torn”. But, if we look up and stretch our focus past our worldly viewpoint, we see with heavenly hindsight, the Kingdom perspective, of how much our God has miraculously done, and how He has not forsaken those He loves. Look to God as you step out of this year and your AWE of Him will overpower and disseminate all the disappointing-discouraging times we have grown through this year. God has shown Himself as a “Strong, Very Present Advocate” of love, light, power and truth this year. God has never left our side, was never not working for our good and His Glory, as His purposes have been in play in the unseen. I step into this new year with trust, increased faith and AWE of my God. I love you, Lord God. I believe in You, I believe You. I Believe.

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