4 years ago

By degrees, and little by little, Mr. Trump is being forsaken as a lost cause as his rabid foes “lick their chops” with the prospect of total victory. They figure they have him “hemmed in”. They are about to encounter the power of God. A first-hand illustration of this is the Children of Israel being delivered from the hand of their Egyptian pursuers.

Here was the setup. As the Children of Israel were being chased by the Egyptians, and confronted by an impenetrable body of water, there came an incredible deliverance. Totally contrary to reason, under Moses’ leadership, the Red Sea parted and they passed through on dry ground.

Looking at this most unusual situation the Egyptians figured, “If that batch of slaves can pass through these walled up waters, so can we.” That was a big mistake.

Similarly, all the enemies of Mr. Trump who have used every imaginable ruse against him, illegal and governmental, are now thinking, “We’ve got him just exactly where we want him.” Throwing caution to the wind, they come after him with all their might. Like the ancient Egyptians they will make a big mistake. Leading to their destruction and Mr. Trump’s vindication in claiming victory for a second term.

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