4 years ago

So tonight something happened! I had an interesting week, and one thing I did which is paying off big time is I did some journalism for myself, and I called the Hospital where Tiffanay Dover works at and found out about her health status as rumor had it she had passed away. I spoke to a nice lady by the name of Lisa, and she explained to me what happened, and not to worry that she's fine... So with that said I made the video of the call, and posted it on YouTube, and it's starting to blow up with almost 4k views in 24 hours...

So let's see how much that helps on the YouTube front. Now on the show I played the Audio of the call, and spoke about it. Then I had on audio of Ted Cruz who just declared WAR on CHINA in a most BOSS like manner. He went to congress, and laid China out on a grill, and cooked the shit out of the communist scum who run China. Good going Ted Cruz! A Real patriot that man... Now as for the special first hour guest KATE She's awesome she's got her own show called "Around the Campfire With Kate" that I produce ironic? No it's all part of the plan!

So she joined me, and we had a good talk about the Ted Cruz cooking of China, and what is happening in the next few months... She's on Thursdays, and Sundays like me but at 8pm est. ON PSN-RADIO.COM

The 2nd hour of the show had a return of my good friend and real world realist! The one, and only Mike Heston Rogers! Yep! The man who was there with Travis Walton in 1975 and saw the whole thing.

Mike is an amazing guy, and a good natured man... Loved his time on the first time so much that I plan on having him on as much as possible. He is not just a "Realist" and "Travis Walton's Friend!" He's a heck of a cool guy, and has a lot to share. Plus he's a heck of an artist, and illusionist.

So make sure you check out this show guys as it's one hell of a good ride... Only the kind you find Inside Tha Jackals Head!

Also check out my Patreon page at

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