A Conservative View - Intro

3 years ago

Welcome to A Conservative View.

This is a series of videos presenting my take on the conservative view, a wide variety of subjects from God to Trump.

Since, the Conservative View is extremely misunderstood it’s important that I explain the philosophy, the major beliefs of conservatives. You should understand that Conservative Thought is not monolithic, there are many flavors. However, what I am about to share is truly the heart and soul of Conservative beliefs.

Here are a few of the basic tenants of conservatism shared in the video:

Every person of every race, religion, gender and sexual orientation deserves their chance at happiness; the pursuit of happiness is a God given right.

No one, no one, should receive special treatment under the law; Lady Justice wears a blindfold for a reason.

A strong federal government (even worse, world government) will inevitably take way freedom and liberty from the people, drastically limiting opportunities for individuals to achieve happiness and success.

The Constitution and Bill of Rights state clearly our personal rights and responsibilities. We must protect what our founders created from all enemies both foreign and domestic.

Every life is precious and killing a human, whether in the womb or walking down the street is murder, a truly evil deed.

Conservatives believe that capitalism (not crony capitalism) has brought more of the world’s people out of starvation and suffering than any other economic system in the history of the world.

There is a Universal Consciousness who created the entire Universe and everything in it. Some call it God, or Allah, or Nature, or the Creative Intelligence. These are but a few of the many names of God.

That’s it for now, if you enjoyed this video and the videos below, please introduce other to A Conservative View.

More about me:


For More Information:





"The Conservative Mind: From Burke to Santayana" by Russell Kirk


"On Liberty" by John Stuart Mil


"God and Man at Yale: The Superstitions of 'Academic Freedom'" by William F. Buckley, Jr.


"Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save the World!" by Andrew Breitbart


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