Pan Fry Cake With Shredded Turnip. Delicious and Juicy | 萝卜丝饼这样做, 简单快捷免油炸, 外酥里软, 酥脆鲜香馅大多汁

4 years ago

The Turnip Pan Cake is simple to do, with a thin crust and a large filling, soft and juicy. It is a delicious food on the tip of the tongue! A snack made with wheat flour, shredded white radish, ham and eggs. It is a characteristic of southern flavor in China and is very popular. Turnip cakes are light yellow in color, crispy and delicious. White radish is the most common vegetable on the ordinary people’s table. It is rich in vitamins and nutritious. Please watch the video for details.

萝卜丝饼这样做简单,皮薄馅大,外酥里软鲜香多汁,舌尖上的美食!萝卜丝饼,是以小麦面粉、白萝卜丝,火腿和鸡蛋等材料制作的一道小吃, 是南方的风味特色,深受大众欢迎。萝卜丝饼色泽淡黄、酥脆鲜香, 美味可口. 白萝卜又是老百姓餐桌上最常见的蔬菜,含有丰富的维生素,营养丰富. 特别是所含的糖化酶素,可以分解其他食物中的致癌物亚硝胺,从而起到抗癌作用。对于胸闷气喘,食欲减退、咳嗽痰多等都有食疗作用。现在我们就介绍最简单的做萝卜丝饼方法。准备原料:白萝卜1000克,面粉500克,火腿200克,蒜苗100克或小葱,适量盐,植物油,蚝油,白胡椒粉, 五香粉. 请注意和面时,用1半煮沸的萝卜汁既汤面,另半用常温萝卜汁。具体做法请观看视频。

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