0014 Why The Wild Rally 6th Jan DC is Necessary

4 years ago

Congressman Larry McDonald was a friend of mine. I served him in an investigative capacity, using my secular work as a piano tuner to gather information on people trying to subvert our Nation via Marxism. In that covert roll I met a who's who of important people. After Larry's assassination by a joint CIA/KGB operation (KLA Flight 007) I continued my information gathering. Hear me, the Globalist/Deep State, is at their weakest point in the last century, and WE the People with the leadership of President Donald Trump are at our Strongest in the same time frame. We strike now, or enter a very long period of techno-dark ages with cruelty unimaginable. Can you imagine deciding to cancel D-Day, to back off and allow the Nazis to play out their vision of History? Can you imagine in 1812, simply turning over the reins of Government to the British, after they burned down the original White House, "let just take the British path and see where it leads." We are at the pivotal moment in history, the De Gaulle Call, you have touted your Patriotism, it is time to act upon it. BE IN D.C. on January 6th as Trump has requested to be part of the WILD RALLY.

Trump has made only two requests of Patriots since coming down the Golden Escalator at Trump Tower; firstly he asked you to VOTE, and now he has asked you to come en masse to Washington, D.C. on January the 6th, to surround the Capitol Building and lend your RAW POLITICAL POWER to his efforts to take down the Wall of the Deep State Jericho that have operated in our country as a Criminal Luciferian Cabal for decades, RULING US, without our consent. I told you in 2015 that Trump was mounting a counter-revolution, trying to restore what was left of the Republic before these same Criminals Assassinated President John Fitzgerald Kenny, the act that put the CIA in total control, which was later expanded to the creation of the Senior Executive Services by Jimmy Carter. It is my opinion that the operation in Nashville was a "good guy operation" Special Forces loyal to the Constitution and Trump taking out the command and control structure of the SES, where for decades they have run terrorist and covert operations against the American People, functioning in concert with Globalist entities and Foreign Governments. We have seen in this election the exposure of it all, and that exposure spell its demise, if WE do our part to destroy this Suicide Election Psyop they have played upon the American People. If it is humanly possible for you to be in D.C. on January 6, 2021 PLEASE, make the effort BE THERE.
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