【12.20 美國轉折點活動】律師 Rogan O'Handley:主流媒體讓人恐懼說真話;大紀元是獨立媒體,發佈的是真正客觀的新聞,正在乘勢崛起,並且勢頭仍在增長。| #大紀元新聞網

3 years ago

媒體是非常強大的武器。值得慶幸的是,像您這樣的新聞機構,實際上發布的是真正客觀的新聞,並且讓人們自己做出決定。但是,那些最大的媒體,每個人都知道的大型媒體,它們在一個信息上會統一口徑。那個信息就是恐懼。例如,當您看CNN時,它一直報道中共病毒(covid)病例和死亡人數,但他們從未與您談論過死者的年齡。我認為,通常情況下,會比美國人的平均壽命要高,他們不會談論那些康復者。他們不會談論對這種疾病非常有效的藥物,例如,羥氯喹,它曾經被,你知道的. (說出來)要小心哦。

Rogan O‘Handley:
I know. Yeah, I can't can't say the 50 year approved drug name. So there's, there's a lot of overwhelming, you know, density of this message of fear. And when people are afraid, they will look for reassurance, they look for security, and guess who steps in to fill that void, the government. And, you know, our government is unfortunately filled with a lot of people that, that think that way and trying push these draconian policies and, and try and drive more fear to get more government control and the cycle continues.


Reporter 3:03
So it's kind of an interesting dynamic going on. Because on the one hand, you know, all the polls show that people's trust in media is just declining and declining. And yet, these messages do seem pretty uniform and pervasive. Where do you Where do you think this is going?


#美國轉折點 #主流媒體 #獨立媒體
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