TRUE WARRIOR: Fear is the Enemy D15 CH15

4 years ago

TRUE WARRIOR: Fear is the Enemy D15 CH15

“Today is a good day to die!” Crazy Horses’ battle cry at the Little Big Horn is not only historic, it turns out fearlessly being prepared to die is also a good way to live!

Sun Tzu wrote in the Art of War, “Put them on dying ground that they may live.” In other words if there is no retreat soldiers will fight for their life and live.

In this time where we are threatened with restrictions and ordinances, political agendas and pandemic manipulations know this, they are all based on fear, and it is this fear that is killing us.

I promise to recognize FEAR for what it is, a weapon used against us, and be fearless and willing to die for our FREEDOM rather live under tyranny!

Allen Hughes Life Defense

Welcome to the Civil War for FREEDOM!
#lifedefense #allenhughes #civilwarfreedom

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